Preparing Files for Flip LenticularPrepare images for a lenticular flip. How to setup files for lenticular flip images. Any two phone pictures can make flip lenticular.
Review the following list of tips about preparing your graphics for the flip lenticular effect.
1. When choosing images for a flip picture you want to avoid areas of solid color which can cause ghosting. Ideally the images should be photographic rather than line art.
2. Design your two flip images so that they have a common background with logos or messages turning off/on, changing to another logo, changing color etc.
3. Use up/down lenticular flip when possible to minimize ghosting. Smaller images that are to be hand held do not work as well in side to side lenticular as in up/down.
4. Use side to side lenticular flip for image that are NOT hand held. Side to side flip images are best with lenticular flip images viewed from about six feet.
5. Lenticular flip images can be used as a tip on so that a smaller less expensive lenticular image can be a design element of the whole display that still provides the attraction of the flip effect.
6. Print text information on the back of the lenticular flip to ensure readability, especially with small type. The reason for this is that the lenticular lens can make small type unreadable.
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